Shepley Bowling Club Membership
The 2024 season starts with our green opening on Friday 29th March.
Membership fees remain unchanged for this year and are due in full by 1st May 2024.
Full membership (required for playing in a team) £35.00 (£20.00 for 16-18yrs )
Social Membership £20.00
Junior Membership (Under 16s) £12.00
Existing members will have received renewal forms and these should be completed and returned with your payment to
Mr. Howard Crowther, 23 Abbey Drive, Shepley, Huddersfield HD8 8DX.
Please make sure to include a completed form with your payment and please send direct to Howard and not via any other committee members. Cheques are to be made payable to 'Shepley Bowling Club'.
Anyone interested in becoming a new member should feel free to contact Howard who will be pleased to help with details of our membership options. Howard can be contacted on 07925 045782.