New to Bowling?


Frequently Asked Questions


What equipment do I need and is it expensive?

Shepley Bowling Club can provide members with all the equipment they need, which is bowls, a jack and a mat. You must also only bowl in flat shoes/trainers, heels are not permitted on the green due to the damage caused. At some stage bowlers usually chose to purchase their own equipment. You should budget £110 to £150 all in, although there is a healthy market in used bowls which can halve your expenses.

I understand bowls come in different sizes/weights, what will be right for me?

Everyone is different and a lot depends on hand size, strength and technique. Bowls come in imperial sizes ranging in weight from 2lb 2oz to 2lb 12oz. It is certainly advisable to try several different sizes and weights (available from the club) before parting with your money. The main thing to keep in mind is that it is difficult to bowl with bowls that are too big for your hand, but a bowl is never too small to bowl well with.

How do I learn to play and what are the rules?

We can arrange introductory sessions for members new to bowling which will get you under way in less than an hour. The rules of the game are also straight forward, you will find them on our website under 'Rules of the Game'.

When and how long can I bowl on the Shepley green for?

The bowling season runs from the start of April until the end of September. You must not use the green out of season. During the season the green is available for practice/social bowling whenever there are no matches taking place. There are no time limits and there is space for up to four simultaeous games to take place i.e. four jacks in play at a time. See 'News & Information' for more details of availability.

Where can I play?

Shepley Bowling Club offers a warm welcome to everyone, beginners and experienced bowlers alike. However, if you are searching for somewhere in the Huddesfield area more local to you there is a useful (if not complete) list of clubs here.